The Greek Goddess Hecate - Goddess of Witchcraft

Hecate was represented as single-formed, clad in a long robe, holding burning torches; in later representations she was triple-formed, with three bodies standing back-to-back so that she could look in all directions at once from the crossroads. She was said to be accompanied by packs of barking dogs.
During the Roman era, many of her attributes fell in the realm of the underworld, yet she also controlled elements that placed her firmly in the light. The goddess possessed extensive powers, which were later assimilated by other deities.
Symbolism associated with Hecate worship are torches, new moons, crossroads, three-headed animals/statues, raisin and currant cakes, candles, the number 3, the night sky and any night blooming plants such as moonflowers or night lilies.
Those who worship Hecate have a prayer they’re said to use: Hecate when I doubt, show me strength; When I am wrong, show me the right path; Light the crossroads before me, that I may see my way. Queen of transitions. Guardian of doorways. Hecate, bless my journeys, through dark and dawn, day and dusk. Help me to bring into balance the forces within myself-Light and dark, above and below. As a coin cannot have only one side. I am not whole, one without the other.