Your Weekly Horoscope Reading
17th June - 23rd June

Surround yourself with peace and love
Catching up with those who help you feel at peace and who you share a connection with in a lovely way is much appreciated this week. The time spent together with each other allows you to open up and share what has been on your mind. Being supported in a safe environment and surrounding yourself with trusted confidants is important therefore you could choose to change up your home or space to ensure that this is the atmosphere and vibe that is received. It’s possible that your environment is all set for a revamp anyway so get busy to establish a place that resembles a sanctuary of love and peacefulness for you. Release anything that no longer serves you especially if you are keeping unusable items that are being hoarded creating clutter, it’s really just taking up space. Making space allows opportunities to flow in and abundance is achievable with hard work and diligence. An exciting new path is encountered as you learn to release the old version of you, moving forward with a revitalised new self!
Use Peridot for abundance prosperity and happiness in your home. It will assists with a feeling of light, love and cheerfulness.

You have just as much to teach as you have to learn
You have a way with words and the ability to create an overall feeling of love, which is only natural for this time period. Your energy of heartfelt communication is expanding this week. Make the most of this by sharing your views, your thoughts and your teachings, for many to appreciate and acquire. Novel ideas and plans to create additional revenue can convey an interest with those who you are keen to join and participate with in well-informed business networks. A project that necessitates your will, knack and know-how will be right up your ally, so do your research and multiply your knowledge. A conversation that you have with another helps to grow your excitement, you are keen to explore this new cycle full of hidden potential. Let the fun, mystery and adventures to begin! There is great opportunity for expansion ahead, so stay diligent and motivated as you surround yourself with those you look up to as mentors and those who encourage you to leap out of your comfort zone.
Use Chrysocolla to invoke inner strength to speak your truth. Can alleviate guilt and can bring joy it also encourages compassion. Helps to accept changing situations with serenity.

Better times are coming thanks to self-belief
What a difference it makes when you have faith in yourself, it’s reassuring when you know someone else believes in you too, not that validation is needed, but the support sure is nice. Your money area is beginning to change or has the potential to change soon. This knowing brings an actualization of security for you. Someone reaches out and shows a care that has you believing in yourself more. Get excited about your new avenues and relationships. Cherish and appreciate people who want to help. Exchanges with a trusted companion or friend opens you up to trusting your way forward this helps with a decision. Concentrate on what changes can be made around you, look at who and what surrounds you. Everything you need is at your doorstep, prioritize your emotional wellbeing and your do to list, work towards gaining a step forward and manifest better financial times. A new business or career is ready for you so don’t give up in stretching yourself to reach that personal milestone.
Use Citrine to teach you how to manifest and attract wealth, success and all good things. Removes destructive tendencies. It encourages self-expression brings enjoyment of new experiences.

Embrace your inner glow with this reawakening
It’s your time to shine, this illumination you are feeling can bring with it so many wonderful happy moments to occur, see the signs that provide you with the indications that your future success is imminent. You know yourself better than ever before and what has occurred recently, brings you to the point of knowing what you are worthy of and what you deserve. Communication is enhanced and levels you up, you are quick off the mark in your thought processes with quick wit. This new you that is emerging matches your sparkle from within. How about changing your style or appearance to match that inner glow. This rebirth you are experiencing is more than welcome. Placing trust in the right sources to support you in accomplishing your dreams! Having this trust assists your future vision to manifest sooner rather than later. You could be making agreements and negotiating with others whilst in discussion. A turning point is ahead and it is time to forgive, go with the flow and trust the process.
Use Herkimer Diamond will put you at ease and guide you in the right direction. Keeps negative energies away. Brings balance holistically. Clears blockages to allow positive energies.

Liberate yourself and start anew
Your intuition is on point and you are receiving a glimpse of what needs to be reassessed and readjusted. There is always something for each and every one of us to heal in our lives, its often to do with love and where closure on issues or patterns causing concerns lies. The esoteric could become more interesting to you, as you contemplate topics that are far deeper in nature than surface level conversations. You are now opening up to topics of conversation that fascinate and that never before appealed to you. Take nature walks or long strolls along the beach, this is healing for the soul, it will help to slow down and recalibrate your system. Down time is necessary as you are being guided to take on a responsibility which provides a chance to re-examine your health regime. A total transformation of yourself liberates you from stuck emotions. Hidden feelings long buried can be expressed and experienced as unwanted behavioural patterns or addictions. Let it all go now to start anew from a healthier perspective, you’ll be surprised at what can be manifested when you release.
Use Kyanite for developing intuition. Enhances communication and deflects unwanted thoughts balancing the nervous system. Helps to manifest new opportunities and possibilities through action.

Bonds deepen and you begin to feel as though you belong
Deepened love and connection with people who surround you is good for the soul. Allow yourself to feel a nurturing alliance that encompasses a sense of true care, with unconditional regard from an accepting place between you. Opening up your schedule affords yourself time to connect with others more, as you find fulfilling interactions within a group setting of likeminded people. Discovering souls who are like you is refreshing. You are eager to welcome them to board your train, to learn from each other, to gain knowledge and to aspire to create a future that you all desire. Your friend circle is strengthening. You can make bonds with people who you can trust with your inner most feelings. Find union with those you can count on, who connect wholeheartedly and speak from a place of truthful heart and just simply put, have fun. Surround yourself with those who also share your values to be heard and acknowledged. Enjoy the simple things with people that your feel care, this will gratify your heart and encircle you with a special feeling of belonging.
Use Lapis Lazuli as it encourages honesty in the spoken and written word. A stone of friendship bringing harmony in relationships and encourages self-expression.

What really floats your boat?
What you do as a past time or for a living is in the spot light. Who you are and what you want to accomplish is in full focus. Your confidence is on the rise and you have some awesome ideas for business goals, especially with concepts that relate to creative endeavours. Your passion for adventure and reaching a target is at an all-time high. Be courageous in your ventures to step out of the confinements of a box that has kept you small, instead up the ante and aim for a much more profitable market. What you are known for now, will be your legacy! Step into your soul’s purpose and recognise what really floats your boat. You are meant to enjoy your life and when you feel the passion and drive flow through you, more opportunities that match that excitement can stride into your life. If you are asked to join up with an idea or endeavour, be sure that it is in line with how you see your life going forward. Does it lead YOU to living your best life and does it align with YOUR soul purpose? Discernment and boundaries are always a must no matter who you surround yourself with. If you are unsure about something or someone, get a second opinion.
Use Peach Moonstone has a protective energy and helps with self-love. Assists to help you try something new and begin to grow more comfortable with yourself.

You are connecting from a spiritually advanced place now
Go visit more places, have fun, learn about new cultures and meet new people. You could enjoy studying and broadening your knowledge too. Delve into the more philosophical concepts of life and learn the laws of spirituality. Stepping out of your comfort zone is actually quite exciting. You are ready to open yourself up to experiences that bring a whole new outlook on life. Have you journaled your thoughts and written down all that you are feeling and manifested what you actually want to see happen in your life? You are being guided to take on better self-care practices and nourish yourself by feeding your holistic self with wholesome soul food? The idea of being becoming more spiritually advanced and seeing how you can connect with the others on a deeper level is beckoning you. Come to the edge and express yourself from a sincere spirit led manner. If any negative feelings or thoughts keep come up for you, maybe it’s time to be truthful and talk about how you feel as being clear and concise in your communication will be beneficial.
Use Angelite for peace, union and connection with others but also for connection with your spirit guides. You can be guided on your spiritual path with a calm and soothing energy all over.

New doors open that were once stuck shut
We don’t always practice good habits, simply because we are human and we are meant to be less than perfect, and that is completely ok. Although, if you can challenge yourself to change up any habits that are not conducive with being your best self, that would be great too. You already know what needs to be changed anyway. To be your best in relationships you are being asked to express yourself from a place of compassion and empathy. Bringing balance in your approach with others from here on in, will be the only way to go. Awareness to what needs shifting in your life opens doors that were otherwise stuck shut. It is possible that opportunities arise for you such as a new job or even a pay rise. Your self-worth is sky rocketing now, and as you would already know, your finances resemble the energies that resides within. You are being seen as someone who is top of the line not that it really matters what others think, you don’t need the approval of others anyway. Stay confident and believe in yourself more, keep on going because you can reach new heights if you believe you can.
Use Sunstone for bringing passion, excitement and uplift. It shines a light on opportunities for happiness. Can help you to feel a sense of abundance in your life.

Invest your money and time wisely
Feel it in your heart right now to have a conversation with another in the physical sense or even on an energetic and spiritual wave length. Begin to show your vulnerability and speak from a place that leaves nothing but an air of togetherness and transparency as you hold space for another and yourself. Now this could be romantic or a friendship or you could be conjuring up a plan to collaborate with others in a professional arena. As they say great minds think alike and like attracts like, so if you both have goals you want to accomplish and work towards, then be assured that now is the time to propose your interest and invest your money and time wisely. If you believe it in your heart that the world can be your oyster, then you are being guided to follow your intuition, especially when cross roads and turning points show up. You’ve come a long way and you are more self-aware, you know yourself better than ever before. Trusting in yourself whole heartedly will help you to come from a more authentic place in representing who you are.
Use Malachite transforms consciousness, works with deep-seated emotions and clears unwanted baggage from the past. Allowing to heal oneself by letting go of unwanted and unhelpful behaviours.

Balance is needed for your overall well-being
Can you feel the difference this week? Interactions you have with others has seemed to find a sense of calmness. Collaborations don’t resemble the prickly nature and rough round the edges energy that have been felt in the past. Everything seems to be running pretty smoothly right now, which is a weight lifted off your shoulders. Your health is something to consider though, nurture yourself in a more loving way, show your mind and body the same love and care that you would provide for your pets or children. Your daily habits need to be reassessed. As you know, your emotional well-being is reliant on a good physical well-being and vice versa. Give yourself the rest you need but also balance that with being productive as well. Something that you have been wondering about could reach a conclusion as a revelation is revealed, providing clarity. Expectations of others could have you feeling overwhelmed, the pressure could become too much to bare as is, the responsibilities you put on yourself. Avoid taking on too much instead enjoy what you do and tap into your artistic design and creative nature.
Use Fuchsite for rejuvenation and renewal, it will provide you with fresh new perspective on life energy vitality fun and playfulness helping to appreciate the good things in life.

If you raise your vibration you can have it all
Your vision for future prospects is only as limited as your imagination so let your imagination soar. It’s all fun and games, as they say. Well actually it can be all fun and games, the more fun you have! The higher the energy vibration that surrounds you, the faster your manifestations can appear. The more you can manifest from a heightened energy of love, the more abundance can roll in. Now this abundance can come in all forms anywhere from romance or even just a loving trustworthy friend who shares the same values and sense of humour as you. It can also be with money and to be honest it seems like you have it all in the bag. Money and love, what more can a human being ask for. Keep up with tapping into what excites you and pour from your creative cup onto a canvas that can be as picturesque or as grotesque as you can imagine. It’s time for you release your qualities of skill and talent to the world and meet and greet many who are on your timeline and share the same dreams as you.
Use Green Aventurine for abundance prosperity and happiness in your home. It will assists with a feeling of light, love and cheerfulness.