Your Weekly Horoscope Reading
3rd February - 9th February

March 21 - April 19
A new way of looking at things is coming your way, giving you a shot at taking control of something that's been bothering you . It could be a personal goal, how you interact with someone, or a habit you've had for a while. This week, you'll want to start making changes. Listen to your intuition to point you in the right direction. It's also a good moment to set aside some time to relax and look after yourself. It’s important to keep in mind that taking a step back can help you see the big picture more .Â
As your week goes on, you'll notice your self-confidence attracts others, pulling them in when you least expect! You'll see some exciting changes in your social life, and if you're looking for love, you might stumble upon something special out of the blue. This week could bring someone new into your world, but only if you're ready to take a chance. Remember even a quick conversation has the potential to turn into something important so keep your mind open to what might happen.
Labradorite – Labradorite enhances confidence and intuition, aligning with your ability to take charge of situations and navigate new social opportunities. It encourages boldness while protecting your energy from external pressures.

April 20 - May 20
This week, you'll find it easier to voice your needs in areas where you've often felt the need to be quiet. You'll see things more clearly when it comes to money or big decisions that need your attention. Trust the universe to guide you and you’ll figure out what's important and how to put things in order. When you stop worrying about stuff that doesn't matter, you'll have more energy for the things that do.Â
As the days go by, you might feel little things building up more than usual, don't let short-term stress mess with your thinking. Even when things go awry you need to keep a clear head. If you've been thinking about finding love, a small connection could grow into something bigger this week. Notice the people who make you feel relaxed, sometimes good relationships start when you least them to. It's also important for you to take time for yourself when needed, so feel free to step back if you need a breather.
Smoky Quartz – Smoky Quartz supports grounding and emotional balance, making it easier to express your needs and release unnecessary stress. It helps with setting boundaries and staying focused on long-term stability

May 21 - June 20
The outcome of decisions regarding your future is beginning to take shape this week, even if progress is feeling slow at first. Patience will be key as you navigate your next steps, especially when it comes to practical matters. No good will come from rushing at this time. Financial considerations may require some adjustments when new information comes to light, but solutions you’ve never considered before will start to emerge too. Avoid overcomplicating things. Sometimes the simplest path forward is the best one.
Socially, you may find yourself being pulled in multiple directions, juggling commitments and conversations. While all this energy is exciting, remember to check in with yourself when things are wuiet. A little alone time could help you process recent events and avoid falling into old patterns. If a past connection resurfaces, take a moment to consider whether it aligns with your current path. New opportunities will arise over the weekend, bringing a boost in confidence and a reminder to embrace the joy of the present moment.
Fluorite – Fluorite enhances mental clarity and decision-making, helping you simplify your next steps and avoid overcomplicating situations. It aligns with your ability to embrace fresh perspectives and navigate social interactions with ease.

June 21 - July 22
An issue from your past may resurface this week, but now you’re in a stronger position to handle it. The uncertainty that caused you so many problems in the past is making way for the stability you’ve been building, giving you the chance to move forward with confidence. Setting clear boundaries will be essential this week, especially if someone has been expecting too much from you. Don’t be afraid to stand firm. Protecting your energy is just as important as helping others.
Your relationships may take an unexpected detour this week, particularly if you’ve been keeping to yourself. A random encounter could lead to a surprising connection, but this can only if you’re willing to put yourself out there. Whether it’s through a conversation, something you do, or simply being in the right place at the right time, meaningful bonds can form in the most unexpected ways and places. Stay open to what might happen. What’s meant to be will be.
Moonstone – Moonstone strengthens emotional intuition and encourages inner stability, supporting your ability to set boundaries and trust your instincts. It’s perfect for navigating past challenges and embracing new connections.

July 23 - August 22
Some really exciting new opportunities could come to you through an unexpected connection this week. Bringing some fresh energy into your life and reminding you how important building bridges is. Someone you’re acquainted with may offer you some guidance, support, or an invitation that leads you toward something bigger. Keep an open mind, but also stay aware of any commitments that come with these opportunities. You’ll instinctively know which ones are worth your time and which may be more of a burden than a blessing. Trust your gut even if you’re not sure where it’s leading you.
When it comes to love and friendships, trust your gut. A playful conversation could take a more flirtatious turn, but be mindful of where you want things to go. Consider whether you’re both on the same page or not. If romance is on your mind, staying present and enjoying the moment will bring the best results. Just avoid overthinking and trying to force the outcome you want. The best connections will happen on their own time. The key is to focus on what brings you joy and let everything else fall into place.
Carnelian – Carnelian boosts confidence and motivation, making it the perfect companion for a week of exciting opportunities and social connections. It helps you embrace joy while staying grounded in your long-term vision.

August 23 - September 22
Finding a balance between yourself and others will be a priority for you this week. Especially if there’s someone who’s been taking up more of your time and energy than you’d like them to. While you enjoy helping and being there for others, you’ll need to set some boundaries soon. If other people's expectations start to interfere with the things you want to do for yourself you’ll need to put a stop to things. The good news is that those who truly care about you will understand and respect your boundaries. The ones who don’t aren’t worth your time.
A spark of something exciting could push you out of your comfort zone this week. Be cautious if you’re looking for romance however, you’ll need to be mindful who you let into your heart. Trust takes time to build for a reason, so don’t feel pressured to rush into things you’re not ready for. Instead, focus on deepening the connections that feel right. The universe may be sending you signs about what (or who) is meant for you, so stay observant. Whether you’re looking for love or simply strengthening existing bonds, this week is about learning to trust yourself and embracing what feels natural.
Green Aventurine – Green Aventurine promotes balance and resilience, supporting your ability to set boundaries and embrace personal fulfilment. It encourages emotional harmony while guiding you toward positive changes.

September 23 - October 22
Your relationships will take to the spotlight this week, and the energy that you carry with you will bring about deeper connections. While people are usually clear about what they want from you, there’s someone who’s not being 100% honest with you at the moment. It’s important to make sure that their needs don’t overshadow your own. You’ve learned some valuable lessons in the past about maintaining balance, and now’s the time to put everything you’ve learnt into practice. If something isn’t working, don’t be afraid to change to something that feels right.
If romance is something that has felt uncertain for you in the past buckle up because things might be about to get moving quickly. Countless potential new connections are waiting for you to grasp. But you need to know what you want first. There’s no point trying to make something of a relationship that was only ever meant to be casual. If you’re already in a relationship, the dynamic between you and your partner could shift, giving you a chance to strengthen your bond. Above all, prioritise your happiness. Love should feel like a natural extension of your life, not something that drains your energy.
Rose Quartz – Rose Quartz fosters emotional clarity and self-worth, helping you maintain balance in relationships and focus on your own happiness. It encourages deep connections while ensuring you don’t overextend yourself.

October 23 - November 21
Your daily routines may need some adjusting, particularly if you’ve been feeling out of sync. This week encourages you to establish more stability, whether that’s through better habits, setting firmer boundaries, or making choices that align with your long-term goals. If something no longer serves you—whether it’s a commitment, an expectation, or a lingering doubt—this is your chance to let it go and create space for something better.
Love and attraction could take an unexpected turn, with a chance encounter or conversation revealing someone’s deeper feelings for you. Pay attention to how people act around you—sometimes, the smallest gestures hold the biggest meaning. If you’re single, this could be a time when an admirer steps forward. If you’re in a relationship, the energy encourages deep and honest conversations that help you and your partner grow together. Either way, this week is about recognising what (and who) truly deserves your attention.
Black Tourmaline – Black Tourmaline provides protection and stability, supporting your ability to make lasting changes in daily routines. It helps you stay focused and grounded as you clear away unnecessary distractions.

November 22 - December 21
There will be plenty of distractions, and while social invitations may seem exciting, staying on top of your responsibilities will be just as important. Someone’s behaviour might leave you questioning where you stand, but don’t let uncertainty slow you down. Instead of overanalysing their actions, focus on your own goals. The answers you seek will reveal themselves in time, and until then, you have plenty of other things to keep you busy.
When it comes to love, the past may try to pull you back in, but it’s up to you whether you revisit old chapters. If an ex resurfaces or a familiar pattern starts playing out, ask yourself if it’s truly what you want. Moving forward means making choices that align with your growth, not settling for what’s comfortable. If you’re seeking new connections, stay open but discerning—you deserve something that brings excitement and joy, not confusion.
Citrine – Citrine boosts optimism and self-confidence, helping you focus on personal goals while maintaining an adventurous spirit. It encourages clarity in relationships and supports your ability to create a joyful future.

December 22 - January 19
A conversation you have this week will bring clarity to a problem that’s been lingering in the back of your mind for a long time. Whether it’s a financial matter, a relationship issue, or a personal goal, seeing things from a different perspective will help you make a more informed choice about the path you want to take. If you notice that you’ve been struggling with something, you need to put in the work to address iy. The long-term benefits will outweigh any short-term sacrifices.
Emotionally, you might feel the need to retreat and recharge… and there’s nothing wrong with that. Taking a step back is essential if you want to maintain a healthy balance in your life. If love has been feeling complicated it may be time to put it on the backburner. Use this time to check in with yourself—are you allowing people in too easily, or are you building walls that make connection difficult? Whatever the case, honour your own emotional needs first, and the right relationships will come eventually.
Pyrite – Pyrite enhances financial awareness and determination, supporting you in making practical choices while maintaining emotional balance. It encourages self-reflection and helps you set clear personal boundaries.

January 20 - February 18
A new sense of stability could bring you some peace of mind. This is especially true if you’ve been uncertain about how to go forward and achieve your goals. An adjustment may be needed, whether it’s making a budget, altering a commitment, or shifting priorities, a small but meaningful change will help set up for the future you want. The key is to be mindful of what adds value to your life. Sometimes, it’s the little things that make the biggest difference.
On the romantic front the universe is coaxing you towards having fun and exploring new connections, but on your own terms. If you’ve been craving a deeper bond with someone, this is a great time to open up and see where things lead. However, if you’re enjoying your independence, you don’t have to rush into anything. Love doesn’t need to be complicated. It should feel like an extension of the joy you’re already enjoying.
Amethyst – Amethyst fosters stability and insight, supporting your ability to make mindful decisions while staying connected to your inner truth. It encourages emotional balance and aligns with your desire for authentic connections.

February 19 - March 20
The effort you’ve been putting into a project since last year is starting to show results! Just don’t be disheartened if the results aren’t as clear as you’d like them to be yet. Trust that your efforts have been worth it, and don’t be discouraged by any small obstacles along the way. Sometimes, the best thing you can do is let things unfold rather than trying to force things to go the exact way you have planned. Progress is happening, even if you can’t see it yet.Â
In your relationships, this week is about confidence. If someone seems distant or unpredictable, don’t let their behaviour shake you. Everyone has their struggles, and it’s not necessarily a reflection of how they feel about you. Instead of looking for reassurance from others, focus on what makes you feel happy. Whether you’re in a relationship or single, this is a time to nurture your own happiness first.
Blue Apatite – Blue Apatite enhances motivation and self-assurance, helping you trust your progress and embrace your personal journey. It encourages clarity in relationships while supporting inner confidence.